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Showing posts from February, 2011

OSHA Partners with Electrical Workers and Trade Associations to bring about a Safer Workplace

OSHA has recently partnered with a number of electrical workers programs and other trade associations to help reduce illnesses, injuries and deaths amongst the electrical transmission and distribution industry workers. The partnersh ip aims to identify and establish what the main causes of i n juri e s and illnesses are in this industry and preventive mea sures and best practices a re t o be thought out to reduce such incidents. The main aim of OSHA is to ensure that workers should be trained to identify and come up with ways to prevent calamities from taking place. And more importantly, workers should be trained to respond if and when an e mergency occurs. Emergency response is very important to workers, especially if they work in industries that regularly or occasionally expose them to hazards. Workers in the electrical transmissions line of business are frequently exposed to a variety of electrical hazards that range from electric shocks to burns and even instant death. Every year...

Regulations Laid Down By OSHA for Hazardous Safety Training

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has laid down certain rules and regulations regarding the safety and well being of employees working at hazardous waste sites. The federal agency has made it mandatory for employers to provide training to employees involved in hazardous waste operations. Workers face greater health and safety risks without adequate knowledge and skills. The main important facets of this training program should be training to employees on all the best practices that should be carried out during hazardous operations and the correct emergency response actions that should be taken in case of an emergency. If employees fail to undertake this mandatory training, they will not be allowed to work at hazardous work sites. Employees carrying out activities like hazardous waste removal at a particular site should undergo adequate training programs. Workers under this category include supervisory personnel equipment oper...

The Importance of a Chemical Awareness Program

There are plenty of reasons why the HAZWOPER 8 hour courses are so important. Workers who work in those industries that involve the production and exposure to harmful chemicals should especially take these courses. These courses have been specifically designed for those workers whose main job it is to remove and dispose of hazardous wastes from a work site. Chemical awareness is one of the main factors of this course. The whole aim of the chemical awareness program is to ensure that employers fully understand the hazards and threats that are prevalent when employees work in dangerous situations that revolve around harmful solvents, oxidizers, corrosives and reactive chemicals. Workers who regularly work around such harmful chemicals should take special safety precautions. They should first understand each chemical and its nature and properties. They should also learn to read a safety data sheet that will provide them with all the information about the chemicals. The chemical awareness ...

A Brief Introduction to Hazwoper First responder Awareness Level Course

Those who are employed as police, fire fighters, first responders and lay responders have to know what has to be done for taking care of themselves and the victims they are attempting to save. In case of a fire, the burning structure, harsh weather as well as the surrounding power lines are few of the many factors that put the victims and the appointed responders in a lot of danger. All responders need to be aware of what has to be done and how to best address these risks. The basics of the first responder training can be obtained from different schools. There are many online courses too that can teach their trainees the same. With the help of illustrations, role playing, hypothetical situations and detailed discussions, trainees get an idea of what risks surround an emergency situation. These first responder awareness level training courses teach responders how to react in an emergency situation and keep themselves out of danger first. Examining the surroundings properly is important ...